Drug Endangered Children

A Drug Endangered Child (DEC) is one found in an environment where illegal drugs are manufactured, sold, distributed, used or where there is other significant evidence of illegal drugs. Children living in drug environments are at risk for devastating effects including severe neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse and developmental delays.



The Importance of Community DEC Programs

A DEC program brings core agencies together to work as a team to provide the most effective response for Drug Endangered Children. DEC programs are typically comprised of law enforcement, child protective services, prosecutors, medical personnel and other agencies all working together in the best interest of children. In your community, a DEC program can develop strategies to intervene on the behalf of children affected by a caregiver's drug use or manufacture.


All Kansas children will thrive in a drug-free environment.


* Provide educational opportunities, assistance, support and resources about Drug Endangered Children.

* Expand the capacity of the Kansas Alliance for Drug Endangered Children to serve Kansas communities.

* Advocate for Drug Endangered Children. 


As a statewide collaboration we strive to empower Kansas communities through training, leadership and support to identify, rescue, defend and serve children. 


Get in touch

Reach us via mail at:

P.O. Box 47321 Wichita, KS 67201

Or via Email using this form. 

We look forward to hearing from you!




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